Buy Your Critter
Welcome to Courage Club! Your Critter is eager to help and is an expert in standing up to fear bullies and using tools to decrease body focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) and tics.
Your Courage Critter is 16 inches tall and is made of soft and durable materials. It is a high quality plush animal and has embroidered eyes, nose, pocket logo, and paws. The mane and tail are great to touch and the Critter is fun to snuggle. You can write down fears or repetitive behavior goals and put them in the Critter's back pocket so that it is always aware of what you are working on together!
Reminder: Your Critter will arrive with a special password in the back pocket so that you can access all of the great information on this website! Shipping is typically within 1-2 weeks.
Just one step away.... Hit the black button below to order your Critter!
Your Courage Critter is 16 inches tall and is made of soft and durable materials. It is a high quality plush animal and has embroidered eyes, nose, pocket logo, and paws. The mane and tail are great to touch and the Critter is fun to snuggle. You can write down fears or repetitive behavior goals and put them in the Critter's back pocket so that it is always aware of what you are working on together!
Reminder: Your Critter will arrive with a special password in the back pocket so that you can access all of the great information on this website! Shipping is typically within 1-2 weeks.
Just one step away.... Hit the black button below to order your Critter!

Courage Critters